My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy from Netgalley.
My first Temperance Brennan book. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. An extremely well plotted mystery...well, two mysteries wrapped up into one with seemingly no connection whatsoever.
Intriguing and fast paced, and while there was a lot of technical information in both the forensic side and military side, I particularly liked that it wasn't over bearing and info dumping. It fit well with the tone of the novel and voice of Dr Brennan.
I found Dr Brennan herself to be an extremely likable, relatable and respectable character. Evident immediately in the first body found, a nameless girl on a dark road, dismissed by the police as an illegal, probably a hooker. She's determined to find a name for the girl and an answer to what happened. Second case involved a trip to Afghanistan and a shooting by a military lieutenant that was questionable - self defence or on purpose? They need Dr Brennan to look at the bodies and find out which.
Quite interesting to see an outsiders POV on how everything with the military works over there and how the forensic stuff was carried out amid great danger.
Then back into the US to pick up on the Jane Doe.
Everything works together really well, and I loved the tone of the novel and the pacing. It had a proper ending and a logical one as well.
Will definitely be looking at more of these.
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