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Thursday, 23 July 2015

Review: Daughter of Deep Silence


Daughter of Deep Silence - Carrie Ryan

The fangirl who loved the first three seasons of 'Revenge' had a blast with this book. Despite the different premises, its pretty much a YA version of 'Revenge'.  There's eyen a Greyson in it! As the love interest! 


It was very over the top and ridiculously dramatic, but at the same time, it was very enjoyable. In this novel, the main character, Frances survives a cruise ship disaster as a tween. She escapes the ship with her best friend Libby, however, Libby does not survive until their lifeboat is rescued. The only other survivors are Senator Wells and his son, Greyson, same age as Francis and Libby who Frances had started dating on the cruise ship. Senator Wells and his son were the first ones rescued, they tell a completely different story to what Frances remembers as to what happened to the people on the cruise ship and how they were destroyed.


Francis's family is killed, Libby's father arrives at the scene, (I think her mother was on the ship with her) and somehow he looks after Francis. And Francis, over the following years has a revenge plan in mind. Become Libby, learn the truth and get her revenge on the Senator and his son, and expose what really happened to the people and crew of the cruise ship.


Francis has spent years prepping for this, doing her research to a T, studying the Wells family, Libby's life (which has been given free access too along with Libby's family's wealth and her trust fund) she has a very calculated plan and comes across to start with as icy and determined. Of course, nothing goes according to plan. There's also the added problem of Libby's childhood friend Shepheard who lives at Libby's estate. (There's logical reasons to this again thanks to the kindness of Libby's now deceased father). She manages to insert herself into the lives of Senator Wells and his family. And Greyson, who is now all grown up and super-hot.


Which presents a problem. Francis still of course remembers the ever growing twist of emotions and the butterflies and that fourteen year old Francis had for Grey. She knew it wasn't ever going to be straightforward, but you get the impression she wasn't prepared for the rush of feeling to get in the way. She's spent years pushing people away to get to this point for this plan. Emotions aren't supposed to have any part of it.


Lots of twisty turny ridiculous drama as Francis (as Libby) struggles to maintain her composure as things happen and people get more involved. A lot of it is eye roll inducing in its ridiculousness. Though the female detective involved is surprisingly competent and intelligent. (Yet another problem for Francis) though it was really nice to see that when law enforcement got involved wasn't something that was easily circumnavigated.


 I think quite possibly if I hadn't watched 'Revenge' I might have got very frustrated with this novel and not given it such a high rating. It was all very silly. But at the same time, a lot of fun.

Original post: sunsetxcocktail.booklikes.com/post/1207517/review-daughter-of-deep-silence

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