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Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Review: The Glass Arrow


The Glass Arrow - Kristen Simmons

This dystopia just didn’t work for me. I’m not sure why I even started it when generally speaking novels with society where women are pretty much property and there for pets or breading purposes piss me off to no end. I think I was probably hoping that the girl who’s the heroine will knock the society down and put things right again. Which is what usually happens in dystopias.


But this one, focused on one girl, who’s family had managed to get away from the society and the women lived free hidden in the mountains. Aya is captured and dragged kicking and screaming all the way back to the major city to be put in an auction house with the other girls her age. Sole purpose is to be prettied up and sold off to the highest bidder.


One thing I did really like about Aya was her absolute determination to be free again. She fought tooth and nail against everything. All she was focused on was her escape. Escape, and nothing more. But the problem was the plot was just boring. And that’s all it seemed to be focused on. Aya bitching about her situation and wanting to be free. Some of it was rather unbelievable and kind of stupid as well. She gets herself stuck in solitary a lot. Which appears to be outside in fenced in area with a poisoned stream as well.


Yet she’s been sent there so often she manages to befriend a rogue wild wolf who can somehow sneak past the barriers. The place is guarded to the nines, but no one manages to notice this wolf. Or the really handsome boy who appears on the outside and gets Aya’s attention as well. The whole thing was eye rollingly irritating.


It took so long for anything to happen. And it was dull. Though at I suppose to be fair, the plot was at least compelling enough to finish it to find out if Aya ever did escape and find her family again. But bottom line, just didn’t like it. At all.

Original post: sunsetxcocktail.booklikes.com/post/1254342/review-the-glass-arrow

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