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Tuesday, 9 February 2016

DNF: Tell The Wind and Fire


Tell the Wind and Fire - Sarah Rees Brennan

The sad moment when you have to DNF something you've been really looking forward to.

I have been really excited for Tell The Wind and Fire for what seems like ages now. I put in a wish request months ago when the title first popped up on Netgalley. Then jumped at the chance when one of those Feed Your Reader emails turned up in my in box and started reading immediately.

Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion, that at 45% in, as utterly gorgeous as that cover is, and as beautiful as the writing is...I just don't like the story. The novel is boring. Almost half way through and despite one or two things happening it seems like I am still waiting for the plot to get going. As original as the concept of the two Dark and Light cities and magic is, I simply can not get my head around the world building. It makes very little sense to me at all. I found the first 20% to be full of info dumping. I don't like the characters either, Lucie I found irritating, Ethan flat and uninteresting and Carwyn's snippiness and sarcasm is getting very tiring very fast. I've come to the conclusion I really just don't care about what happens to any of them.

As much as I was looking forward to the book, I really just have no interest in finishing. So sadly, it's a DNF for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and Clarion Books for the review copy.

Original post: sunsetxcocktail.booklikes.com/post/1340269/dnf-tell-the-wind-and-fire

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