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Friday, 22 July 2016

DNF: The Immortals


I received a copy from Netgalley.


Unfortunately at about 45% I am bored and marking it as DNF. 


The premise of this one sounded really interesting, the goddess Artemis, no longer in full power has spent almost two thousand years on earth, her powers are practically non existent, though she remains ever the chaste huntress, she protects the women of New York City in the modern day who need help. Known as PI Selene DiSilver she stumbles on a dead body killed in a disturbingly familiar way. 


Theo Schultz is a classics/mythology professor, who knew the victim. They find themselves inadvertently working together when Theo discovers the crime  holds significant resemblance to an ancient Greek cult.


This wasn't a terrible book, it was just very long winded. The Artemis character was a surprisingly interesting interpretation. She appears to have absolutely no grasp of empathy or sympathy. She doesn't seem to get along with hardly anyone, other than her dog. She's blunt to the point of bordering on rude. She's a former goddess, who's powers and memories are diminished greatly, but seem to be coming back in small strides when more dead women start showing up. She loathes being weak and almost human and loathes having to work within the boundaries of human law enforcement. 


While Professor Schultz on the other hand, is charming and very likable. When his character his introduced, it/s at one of his lectures, and my initial though on the way the information on Greek classics and mythology was being presented, was I would love to take this class. It turns out Theo knew the victim, and well. And finds himself crossing paths with Selene.  Selene/Artemis wasn't the only former goddess involved, there's a whole host of familiar names (and some unfamiliar) deities that made appearances. The world building as far as that was concerned was pretty unique and interesting. 


My biggest problem with this was it got very boring very quickly. There was an awful lot of information relating to the murders to do with Ancient Greek history and it felt less like an interesting mythology class, more like a text book on ancient cults. I could only read maybe 10% at a time and find myself drifting. The actual untangling of the information and skirting round the on going police investigation and investigating parts got dull. 


While it's got a fairly original premise, I can't say I flat out hate it because I don't. I'm just bored with it. So calling it quits on this one.


Thank you Netgalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for approving my request to view the title.  



Original post: sunsetxcocktail.booklikes.com/post/1438626/dnf-the-immortals

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