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Monday, 26 August 2019

Review: This Lie Will Kill You


This Lie Will Kill You - Chelsea Pitcher

I received a copy from Netgalley.


This title appealed to me immediately as it came recommended for fans of “One of Us Is Lying” which I absolutely loved. However, this book failed to meet the high standard of that book. I thought this book was awful.


The premises was interesting enough. There was a party and someone died. The actions of a small group of people lead to the tragedy and someone saw what happened. Now, a year later those people are sent mysterious invitations to a murder mystery party with a big prize. No name of the person inviting them.


The party is a costume party and each character is given certain props. Challenges to solve that get more personal and more deadly as the night progresses. Secrets are at stake, lives are at stake and the risks become more and more over the top. Some of the group were friends, some aren’t and they all must come together to figure out what’s happening and survive the night. Should be interesting. Its high stakes and tense.


Problem for me was I absolutely hated all the characters. They were all horrible horrible people or bland people with about as much personality as cardboard. Also, very predictable. I knew almost immediately who the responsible person was. As the plot went on it became just ridiculous and unbelievable.  


It was one of those – this is so stupid why am I finishing it books? – but I did read the whole thing.  I just really did not like this book at all.


Thank you to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster UK Children’s for approving my request to view the title.

Original post: sunsetxcocktail.booklikes.com/post/1941365/review-this-lie-will-kill-you

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