My rating: 2 of 5 stars
PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW, SPOILERS ARE HIDDEN, CLICK ON THE + TO SEE. Unfortunately, this book turned out to be rather disappointing. The blurb on Netgalley sounded really interesting, and not like the type of YA paranormal books I usually go for so I thought it would be a good change of pace to read something dark and angsty. So when my request to view was granted I started reading right away.
The start of the book was really good, Quinn's state of mind, her nightmares, and her falling apart. And some of scenes of the despair were very powerfully and emotionally written. Both Quinn and Aaron were damaged and there was no insta-love (a plus) but one thing I did not like was Quinn's constant whining over her ex boyfriend. Yes, I can see why she would be in love with him still, after being together for four years and being dumped for resident mean girl Kerstin (who was delightful trash and a complete and utter bitch) but enough is enough. He was constantly in her thoughts when she had Aaron save her and be there for her on several occasions.
The about half way got stupid. She finally gets together with Aaron, he can tell her his secrets, but she can't reveal hers, the demons tormenting her. And then when she goes back to the ex and everything goes down hill from there. Why couldn't she just man up, and talk to Aaron instead of giving into the monster voices and going back to the stupid cheating ex?! Big drama at the high school homecoming leads Quinn to run away and decide not to deal with anything anymore by throwing herself into a river and killing herself. She's emotionally drained and can't cope anymore.
The running away bit was actually quite vivid and descriptive. And thankfully its Aaron who comes after her and not Jeff. Then we get some answers to what the demons in her head are and who Aaron is. In the last ten percent of the book with an info dump. This scene would have been better if little tid bits of info had been filtered into Aaron's story more maybe through his own dreams and flashbacks. We're told early on due to a terrible car accident Aaron woke up with no memory and this last minute info dump explains why.
Quinn is told also in the last few pages about her own destiny and she can either die or live and face her destiny. She finally mans up and chooses to live which means she has to go back and deal with all her problems and her destiny.
Whilst some of it was well written, it all got a bit messy and all over the place for my liking. Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read this, but I don't think I'll be looking for the sequel.
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