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Friday, 14 August 2015

Review: Suicide Notes From Beautiful GIrls


Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls - Lynn Weingarten

I received a copy from Netgalley.


I really don't know what to make of this book. On the one hand, it was a fairly good premise, and there was a pretty intruiging mystery for the first half of the book. Then about half way through major plot twist and things turned around and it got ridiculously soap opera like dramatic. 


The first half of the book started with teenager June finding out her former best friend has died in mysterious circumstances, most likely suicide. They had been best friends since for many years and then drifted apart and not kept in touch.


The dead girl, Delia, turns out to e of the wild does what she wants without giving a fuck mentality while June was the much more sensible. Reserved one.June The friendship became toxic and June got out. Having once had a friend who was very similar to Delia in personality myself I can completely relate to June and where she was coming from. Saving herself  from her friends fucked up life even though she loves the friend dearly, it's smart to get out while you can and distance yourself from whatever the drama is and live your own life when you don't ant to get dragged into a pit of darkness you really don't want to be involved in. 


June was shocked when she heard of what happened to Delia but she's convinced that Delia was not the sort of person who would ever commit suicide. So she starts investigating. And getting dragged deeper into the mystery surrounding Delia's life along with Delia's former boyfriend Jeremiah. Causing a lot of grief and annoyance to her own boyfriend, Ryan.  June starts doing some pretty stupid things and the more she learns the stupider and more twisty the plot gets.


It was faced paced, I can give it that. It wasn't badly written or anything, but there was someone missing that just didn't grab me as a reader. When the plot twist happened it was more eye rolling than anything else. And then it seemed like it became let's make this as fucked up and twisty as we can. June gets involved with some really shady people and finds herself getting into some dangerous ground. 


The view points between characters switch in the second half and it's disturbing and morbid. And while the plot is getting stupider and making less and less sense by the moment,  in a strange way it's kind of compelling at the same time. I didn't like it much, but I still wanted to ow how it was going to end. 


The ending was...weird.  I think I understood it, but I'm not sure. It was a let down. I would probably read something else by this order, I liked the writing. But this particular book really didn't work for me. 


Thank you to Netgalley and Electric Monkey/Egmont Publishing for approving my request to view the title. 


Original post: sunsetxcocktail.booklikes.com/post/1228537/review-suicide-notes-from-beautiful-girls

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