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Monday, 16 November 2015

Review: The White Rose


The White Rose - Amy Ewing

When I read The Jewel, it was one of the first long ranty reviews I wrote (see it here) I swore I had no interest in the sequel. But then morbid curiosity got me and I pre ordered it. As it turns out, I absolutely LOVED The White Rose. I was completely blown away. I read the first 31% or so in one sitting, then started the rest at the weekend and couldn't put it down until I finished. 


While it had a few silly moments, particularly the opening which made me roll my eyes as soon as



We learn that our heroine Violent has been given a special serum to make it look like she's dead so she can escape the palace and get out of the Jewel. Immediately I groan (did we learn nothing from Romeo and Juliet about forbidden love and serums that make you appear dead? did you not think about the numerous things that can go very very wrong with this plan?)




However, it turns out most of the book is about Violet and her posse escaping from the Jewel. This book had character development! Even Violet herself, who is still has special snowflake syndrome, was actually likeable in this book. She's willing to give up her chance at escape to help out her friend Raven. Raven has been treated terribly and her mind is not all there as a result, but Violet's love for her friend is really quite moving as they struggle to escape. With the help of love interest Ash who is now a wanted criminal, (a huge lie is spun by the Duchess of the Lake) Garnet and Lucien. 


We also learn backstories! Ash goes from being a one dimensional pretty boy with a terrible case of insta-love to someone who is actually likeable. It's impossible not to feel for him once you learn the truth about what the Royal companion boys really have to go through, its cringe worthy and very disturbing. But it gives him a whole new dimension to see how he's come through it. Even though I still don't buy the Ash/Violet romance, its kind of sweet to see him willing to do pretty much anything to help.


Lucien (who to me was a big Cinna from the Hunger Games rip off in the first book) really stands out and becomes his own character in this one, all similarities to Cinna seem to disappear and we learn some pretty surprising things about him as he leads Violent and her friends to a safety zone. He's got his own tragic back story, but once out of the Jewel, he's a much stronger character and has a twist of his own to add depth to the story. 


There's an underground revelation going on to overthrow the Royals. Mysterious people with silly code names pop up and aid the escape. Then when they get to the safe house, we get world building! Logical world building as Violet learns the truth about her Auguries powers and a hole host of new powers possessed by the surrogate girls. History as well! 


Violet still has special snowflake tenancies as she learns more about the magic in the powers she possess. But at least she's strong enough now not to take things lying down when people say mean things. She doesn't whine or cry about it. She is determined to fight back and help do something about the terrible injustice inflicted by the Royals. There's an incredibly moving scene towards the end of the novel where Raven's life is in grave danger and the sheer strength and love Violet shows is just as powerful as her new magic. 


The twist at the end was utterly predictable from about half way through. Even though it did have a few silly moments, this book was bloody brilliant compared to the first one! I never ever thought I would say this but - I NEED THE NEXT ONE NOW!!!!

Original post: sunsetxcocktail.booklikes.com/post/1290461/review-the-white-rose

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