Until I Die by
Amy Plum
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
Read 29th November. Book I own paperback. Favourite.
This series is becoming one of my favourites. I loved this book so much I read it from cover to cover in a single day. I read an insane amount of books and never somehow manage to sit down and focus on just one. I had one day of holiday left (even on holiday I had several books on the go at once) so that last day had my by the pool with this gem.
This one picks up some time after the last one, Kate is still getting to know the Revenants world, and finding herself more and more in love with Vincent, who is as dreamy as ever. The numa are being suspiciously quiet and two somewhat creepy newcomers to the Revenants are brought in to help with finding out what the numa are up to.
Its still got some pretty sweet and fluffy moments between Kate and Vincent, but there's always that pesky Revenant thing hovering over their heads and each are trying to find their own way around it. The more Kate digs into the Revenant world to find answers, she accidentally unleashes more trouble.
I enjoyed following Kate's journey into the Revenant history, and I still love the Paris setting. There's something fascinating about this world and all the characters, even the ones I don't like much. It's intriguing and impossible to put down.
And then there's a rush of action and a gut wrenching cliff hanger at the end. Luckily for me I bought this an If I Should Die at the same time, so I don't have to wait ages for the finale to this fantastic trilogy.